Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen

SoSe 2025

This lecture gives a systematic introduction to algorithms and data structures.


Course materials (Moodle) Moodle (not yet published)
Module no. 20-00-0005-iv
Event type Integrated course
Being taught regularly, usually summer semesters
Time Lecture: Tuesdays, 15:20-17:00 and Thursdays, 08:00-09:40, Exercise: according to group
First class 22.04.2025 (see Moodle for updates).
Location S1|01, A1 (live) + A01 (streaming)
Lecturer Prof. Stefan Roth, Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Zsolt István
Assistants Jan-Martin Steitz, Shaza Zeitouni
Exam see TUCaN
Contact aud at visinf dot tu-darmstadt dot de


  • Data structures: Arrays, lists, binary search trees, B-trees, graph representations, hash tables, heaps
  • Algorithms: Sorting algorithms, string matching, traversing, insertion, search, and deletion in data structures, shortest path search, minimum spanning trees
  • Asymptotic complexity: runtime, Landau notation, classes P and NP, NP-completeness
  • Algorithmic strategies, for example: divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming, brute force, greedy, backtracking, meta-heuristics


  • Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein: Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth Edition. The MIT Press, 2022 (earlier editions of the book can usually also be used)

Recommended: Funktionale und objektorientierte Programmierkonzepte (Functional and object-oriented programming concepts)