
SoSe 2024

This lecture gives a systematic introduction to the architecture of microprocessors, microarchitectures, memory, and I/O systems.

Starting in the summer semester of 2025, “Rechnerorganisation” will be taught by the Embedded Systems and Applications Group.

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Course materials (Moodle) Link
TUCaN Link
Module no. 20-00-0902-iv
Event type integrated course
Being taught regularly, usually summer semesters
Time Lecture: Monday, 15:20:17:00, Exercise: according to group
First class 15.04.2024 (see Moodle for updates).
Location S101/A1
Lecturer Prof. Stefan Roth, Ph.D.
Assistants Oliver Hahn, Simon Kiefhaber
Exam see TUCaN


  • Architecture of Microprocessors: programming in assembly and machine language, addressing modes, tool flows, run-time environment
  • Microarchitecture: instruction set and architectural state, performance analysis, microarchitectures with single-cycle/multi-cycle/pipelined execution, exception handling, advanced microarchitectures
  • Memory and I/O-Systems: performance analysis, caches, virtual memory, I/O techniques, standard interfaces


  • S. L. Harris & D. Harris, “Digital Design and Computer Architecture, ARM Edition”, Morgan Kaufmann, 2015
  • D. Harris & S. L. Harris, “Digital Design and Computer Architecture”, 2. Auflage, Morgan Kaufmann, 2012

Participation of lecture “Digitaltechnik” respectively according knowledge.